16 January 2010

Fallin' Bacc On

It was touch and go for a minute. No lie... I wanna apologize to my brotha for stressin him out so deeply ( my bad gabe), but the emails were appreciated. To recap for those not knowin' i got some tremendously bad news related to the recent tectonic activity in Haiti. And quite honestly i lost my mind. I suffered a mild quite and rather intimate nervous break down while trying to separate myself from the feelings I was being drowned in. It felt like being in a sense deprivation chamber that was built around a 13 century racc. Like being stretched to far in the dark. Yea like i said i lost it. and I'm a lil ashamed of it. I became altogether useless for people in greater and more dire situations than myself. I promise i do not react that way in a gunfight. But it's ok cuz i'm bacc. I'm me (just not as much of me as there was before) and I'm ready to work. I will be returning to Seattle for many reasons not the least of which is a benefit show organized by Sol for our cousins bacc home. It will be Feb 4th @ Nuemos, and I urge everyone that can to come out and show your support not for us but for a nation who has been continually punished for the audacity to fight for freedom. Much love thanx for reading hope to see you soon.


Unknown said...

love you you scared me for a second

Ninong Lilu said...

sorry anky. love you too

gabriel teodros said...

love you bro bro you ain't gotta apologize... see you soon!