13 January 2010

Magnitude 7 earthquake Breaks My Life

For a number of reasons i can't even make clear on this blog this recent earthquake in Haiti has broken my heart. I have been sitting around for the last 24 hours or so thinking obsessing over what to do, how to proceed ., what to fel. I got nothing I spent all last night in the shower begging for numbness. just standing there hoping the cold water would freeze me or disconnect my nervous system or something. I just honestly don't want to feel any of this anymore. My once vaunted skills at logical reasoning that pull me and many others outta near madness inducing situations like this are a failure. I got nothing in me but this crushing super gravity. This weight that gets heavyier while i wait for news, and then finnaly over comes what ever i had the strength to handle when the news finnaly comes. They're gone. All of them. Thats it. You officialy have no where else to belong to. Happy new year

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