20 July 2008

redemption 6


Weekly 6 redemption special


1 mopeds. They're just cool I mean really cool and cheap. And cool!! Did I mention cool? Not sure. PAZ to murder club!!!

2. BMX's also cool! cooler than any stupid fixed bike. You can do tricks on it. The funnest bikes ever made. FUCC YOUR FIXED BIKE!!!!!

3. The dark knight. Jeezuz Christ this was a good movie. Not only the best of the comic book movies so far, but one really good movie regardless. I put it in the same category as unusual suspects. Heath was really fuccin phenomenal as well. Even the extras where good. Shit this was good. Why are you reading this go watch the fuccing movie!!!!

oh and NAM

4. This preview

Nuff said!

5. Avatar season finale. I'm so sad it's over but it was so good. (man I said that a lot this blog shit I need to step my literature game up…..next time). Aang versus the fire lord, Zuko versus that asswhole Azula. It was very satisfying.

6. The redemption of Zuko. We all deserve a second chance or more. Thanx for the hope that no matter how far you've fallen you have a way bacc up.

The bad

6. My bike (surprise!! it's a fixed)

5. The term intense (I'm not intense! I'm just not a soft voiced passive aggressive little punk)

4. Guilt. Hmmm now the hard part. A member of my father's side of the family was murdered. Shot in his face and his heart. He was a troubled youth not unlike any of the other young men and women I work with everyday. Except I didn't work with him. My father asked me to talk with him. To reach out, to at least try…. I didn't . I dint call I didn't reach out. I ignored him as I ignored my dad's entire family. Probably out of a deeply misplaced anger at my father. Now he's gone. I've heard all the arguments for not feeling responsible. That I dint pull the trigger. That I wasn't his mom or dad and didn't make they're mistakes. That I work hard with other children but, that's the rub isn't it. I work hard with other families but not my own. How do I digest that, how do I grow from this, How do I let go of this guilt. I don't but I learn from it. I absorb the lesson and I never make the same mistake again.

3-1 do to the fact that I've spent the last weak wrestling with the emotions I detailed above in 4 I'm going to take the liberty of saying that it's worth 3 through 1 as well.

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10 July 2008

the 6 babay!!

Don't call it a come bacc (but it iz) weekly6

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Ok the good

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6. Anthony bourdain in ....Laos.... (this was heart wrenching, but real and necessary. A.B. is so cool (black way) I'm convinced he's not a white guy! Bua and I have decided he was Inuit.


5. Ne-Yo's a mili! ( what the fucc is going on rap music is making shawty lo and plies but r&b is making this guy who spits harder than they're career's!! step your fuccing game up nigga!!!!)

( he's not fuccin wit bambu's tho!)

4. Stolen laptops (I can't really elaborate on this right now but…um ...yea.

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3. Industrial design (see ya next quarter I'll be making the siccest shit ever!!!)


2. Kanye's blog (sorry Cristina, but I'm not on tour with him! But other than the models (even some of them) there is a lot of shit on here I'm into. I can let kanyego search the net for tight shit for me, I mean I work!) HARD!!!


  1. RED SKINNY PANTS sooooo swaggerriffic!!!


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Now the bad

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1. Homoerotic homophobes (dude I can't stand fags they should suck my dick bro!!! You don't see the break in logic there do you troy? I thought not)

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2. Dakota Comacho (technically you should be in the good section but your one BAAAAAAAD muthafucca!!! RIVAL IS THE GANG!!!


3. Andrew Zimmern (you're a jerk you exotify and dehumanize non WASP's! fucc you! You're every stereotype of the white boy! You're the fuccing amos and andy of Caucasoids. Boo to you sir BOOOOO!)


4. The south Florida python epidemic! (Nigga! They're multiplying by the thousands and they're all over 23 feet long!! We're doomed they'll eat us all!! Pray to the python gods that you may be spared!!) (It's true I saw it on discovery!)

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..here's a link to the article ..dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/05/16/giant-python-florida.html

5. 8 hour workdays (SURPRISE!! They still succ!)

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6. Red skinny pants (I got those drugs outta my system and left my 34 second expedition into hipsterdom. Sorry cap hill sniff alone.)